What is the Good News?
The person and work of Jesus is the center of what Christians believe. In summary, we believe in the good news that Jesus has come to give life to those who believe in Him.
Here is a quick overview of what we believe about God, Jesus and the world:
- God, the good ruler and creator; humanity ruling under his authority.
- Humanity rebels, wishing to run things its own way.
- God judges (and will judge) humanity for this rebellion.
- In his love, God sends Jesus to die, receiving the punishment humanity deserves.
- In his power, God raises Jesus to life as ruler and savior, and offers forgiveness.
- This presents every human with a challenge to repent and believe.
(Two Ways To Live)
Finding out more about Jesus
If you want to find out more about Jesus and the good news of God, here are 3 things you could do:
- Head to twowaystolive.com to read more about the good news of God and the overview on the left.
- Visit our church service on Sunday at 9am and see what church is all about.
- Click “Contact Us” and get in touch with one of our pastoral staff with your questions or to chat further.